Suffering from a particularly painful bout of eczema? Make a beeline for this tried-and-tested SOS Serum that will soothe your skin in no time…..
Ask yourself: Why is your skin itchy and irritated?
Exhausted from grappling with eczema and sick of your sensitive skin? Take comfort in the knowledge that you’re not alone – just about everyone is acquainted with someone else who’s a sufferer.
As for the whys and wherefores, eczema is generally thought to be exacerbated by environmental irritants, dirt, debris, pollution – but there are lots of proactive steps you can take to prevent an outbreak.
Firstly be selective about the products you slather on yourself. Use products that include ingredients which help calm the skin such as ‘Lauromacrogols’ which acts as an anesthetic to soothe skin. Remember less is more in terms of the number of ingredients in a product and the amount applied! Try to treat your dry or itchy skin early, as it can make your treatment that much more effective and ensure that skin is kept hydrated on a regular basis.
Other tips include:
Manage your triggers
· Common triggers could be soap, laundry products, house dust mites, animal fur, pollens, moulds, temperature and climate, food/diet, alcohol and stress.
· Keep a record of how your eczema responds to cutting out certain foods such as dairy.
· Learn to identify why you get a flare up and find ways to avoid situations where you tend to scratch.
· Keep your home well ventilated & your bedroom cool. A damp environment encourages mould and provides a good home for house dust mites.
Laundry & Clothing
· Avoid fabric softener - the fewer residues that are left on freshly cleaned clothes the better.
· Wear comfortable clothes which won’t irritate - cotton clothing keeps skin cool and allows it to breathe.
· Avoid soap and bubble bath as they dry the skin & many contain detergents which remove natural oil from the skin.
· Bathe or shower in tepid (not hot) water. Avoid soaking in baths for long periods as hot water may remove the natural oils from the skin.
· After a bath or shower, apply your cream or serum just before your skin is dry, as this will help the product to be absorbed better.
Protect your hands
· Wear rubber gloves when washing up or cleaning.
· When outside in the cold weather, choose leather or cotton gloves to protect your hands from the cold air.